Interview with Oracle: Autonomous Services, the Cloud, and the Future Part 1

By Ryan Noik 5 November 2018

What are autonomous services and why should businesses take notice? That was the primary focus of an in depth session with Oracle South Africa. FULL STORY >


Opinion - AI is not the new kid on the block and it’s here to stay!

By Opinion 1 November 2018

Artificial Intelligence is neither new, nor a fad that will go away in short order. Brendan McAravey, the country manager at South Africa elaborates. FULL STORY >


Huawei Connect 2018: Using technology to transform banking Part 2

By Ryan Noik 22 October 2018

Cao Chong, the president of financial services sector, Huawei Enterprise Business Group, offered his perspective on mobile payments, and what South Africa could learn from China. FULL STORY >


Opinion - The Autonomous Revolution: here to help, not replace

By Opinion 19 October 2018

How concerned should we be about the impact of emerging technologies on the South African workplace? If history is anything to go by, less so than we currently are. Niral Patel, MD and Technology Leader for Oracle South Africa,... FULL STORY >


Huawei Connect 2018: Using technology to transform banking Part 1

By Ryan Noik 19 October 2018

Amongst the many highlights of Huawei’s Connect 2018 conference, held in Shanghai, China last week, was an intriguing interview with Jason Cao, the president of global finance, business & global key account department at... FULL STORY >


Hauwei Connect 2018: Using AI to detect cancer

By Ryan Noik 17 October 2018

At the Huawei Connect 2018 conference, held in Shanghai last week, one of the many tangible applications of the use of AI that was explored was how the technology can be used in the healthcare sector. FULL STORY >


Huawei Connect 2018: Ten Keys to make AI work Part 2

By Ryan Noik 17 October 2018

Artificial intelligence has been a hot topic for several years, but at Huawei Connect 2018, held in Shanghai, China, this past week, the company laid out several keys that could bridge the gap from extolling its benefits, to realising its... FULL STORY >


World’s first AI smart hives network helps conserve declining global honey bee populations

By Ryan Noik 16 October 2018

The World Bee Project and Oracle are collaborating in a marriage between nature and technology with data being collected from an international network of connected smart hives, and monitored and... FULL STORY >


LG Electronics president and CTO to deliver keynote at CES 2019

By Press Release 16 October 2018

LG's Dr. I.P. Park will offer fresh perspectives on bringing AI benefits to consumers’ daily lives at the next Consumer Electronics Show. FULL STORY >


Huawei Connect 2018: Ten Keys to make AI work Part 1

By Ryan Noik 16 October 2018

A particularly interesting discussion at Huawei Connect 2018, held in Shanghai, China last week, revolved around the ten factors that the company believes are needed to realise artificial intelligence. FULL STORY >


Huawei Connect 2018 Part 2: Strategies for a new era

By Ryan Noik 16 October 2018

One of the main points covered in depth at Huawei Connect 2018, held this past week in Shanghai, China, was the breadth of positive changes that a broader deployment of artificial intelligence can bring. Additionally, Huawei detailed its... FULL STORY >


Huawei Connect 2018 Part 1: AI, and the future, now

By Ryan Noik 15 October 2018

Huawei’s Connect 2018 event, which took place in Shanghai, China this past week, firmly focused on artificial intelligence (AI), and the real world ways in which the technology can improve our lives. FULL STORY >


Huawei Announces AI + Digital Platform to Accelerate Digital Transformation

By Press Release 12 October 2018

At Huawei Connect 2018, under the theme of “Power of the Platform,” Huawei Enterprise Business Group shared how its new digital platform strategy will enable governments and enterprises to accelerate digital... FULL STORY >


Huawei launches the Atlas Intelligent Computing Platform to fuel an AI future

By Press Release 12 October 2018

At Huawei Connect 2018, Huawei released the Atlas intelligent computing platform powered by the Huawei Ascend AI processor and mainstream heterogeneous computing components. FULL STORY >


Artificial Intelligence joins the war on cancer

By Ryan Noik 27 August 2018

Forget for a moment, the doomsday scenario of artificial intelligence (AI) stomping out human life as we know it. Rather, it’s cancerous tumours that should be fearing for their existence. FULL STORY >

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